01 April 2010

long draggy post. skip if you want.

this year's April Fools is really such a big joke.
woke up at 8 plus, still clad in my school uniform cause i fell asleep after i came back from my jap buffet.
had a full 6hr tv marathon.
wanted to leave for tuition which was supposedly at 4 but texted my tutor and he said he could only make it at 5 and i was alr at the bus stop waiting for bus.
got a phone call from mummy saying im going BK next fri to the following mon.
super pissed cause i;ll be missing sports day + 1 day of school
irritated, i lost the mood for tuition and went to the hub.
headed to town.
forced to spend 10bucks on a ghost show, Ju On or smth
spent the 2+ hrs covering my face with my file.
was so scared, i started crying and shivered so so damn badly, i couldnt control it.
the sound effects were very loud and scary.
super horrible.
(the thought of it just sends shivers down my spine)
walked out of the theater like a zombie, still shivering
walked from cine-ion.
searched frantically for my phone after we all tapped in at orchard mrt but to no avail.
scared and nervous, ran all the way back to cine along the whole orchard road with sng trying to catch up behind me
(to think of it now, i should have taken the train to somerset since i tapped in alr. kuku)
bet i looked like a siao zha bor. swear.
guys called my phone but it was turned off.
even more scared and worried
went up to the cinema and phew, its with the manager.
met a mad man on the train who alighted at amk too
headed to parkmac
2 lovely guys sent me home (:
received a sweet text from jaslynzx (:

thanks to all of you seriously seriously seriously.
jf, glenn, keith, erman, jaslyn, sng, yz.

P/S: i managed to fool Sharlene!!! HAHAHAHHAHA
P/S/S: failed to fool jaslyn );

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