26 August 2007

phew... my cousins just left... hahas. can type in peace now...
u know... boys... so irritating... then they make me laugh until my stomach pain.hahahs.

dunno what day is it today but my grandmother cooked alot of food and alot of relatives came...

came back frm malaysia today also... so sian.

ok... so... tmr got SS and HE prelim! but i totally forgotten abt it.. shit... then ting fang came and ask me then i rmb... but now i rmb le i also not studying. hahas. good luck to me bahs. then i found out that my dear niece, amanda, also nvr learn... so nvm de la. hahas.just gave amanda the ans for the chinese paper... hahas. well... after laughing and playing just now, kinda tired le... mayb will just flip some pages of the SS textbook then sleep bahs. goodnights.

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